Creating a Transnational Space in the First Year Writing ClassroomW. Ordeman During the first twenty years of the new millennium, many scholars turned their attention to translingualism, an idea that focuses on the merging of language in distinct social and spatial contexts to serve unique, mutually constitutive, and temporal purposes. This volume joins the more recent shift in pedagogical studies towards an altogether distinct phenomenon: transnationalism. By developing a framework for transnational pedagogical practice, this volume demonstrates the exclusive opportunities afforded to freshmen writers who write in transnational spaces that act as points of fusion for several cultural, lingual, and national identities. With reference to recent works on translingualism and transnationalism, this volume is an attempt to conceptualize effective writing pedagogy in freshman writing courses, which are becoming more and more transnational. It also provides educators and first year writing administrators with practical pedagogical tools to help them use their transnational spaces as a means of achieving their desired learning outcomes as well as teaching students threshold concepts of composition studies. This volume will be particularly useful for first year writing faculty at colleges and universities as well as writing program administrators to create a more effective curriculum that addresses these needs in classroom settings. All scholars with a doctorate in Rhetoric and Composition, English as a Second Language, Translation Studies, to name a few, will also find this a valuable resource. |
Creating Transnational Spaces through | 1 |
Language Home and Transnational Space | 41 |
Creating Transnational Space through | 63 |
Translingual and Transnational Pedagogies | 103 |
Creating Temporary Transnational Space | 121 |
Investigating Translingual Practices | 143 |
Afterword | 165 |
Index | 171 |
Other editions - View all
Creating a Transnational Space in the First Year Writing Classroom William Ordeman Ordeman No preview available - 2021 |
Creating a Transnational Space in the First Year Writing Classroom William Ordeman No preview available - 2021 |
Common terms and phrases
academic writing argues assessment assignments Ayash Bangla bilingual borders Bruce Horner Canagarajah challenge chapter Codemeshing College Composition College English competencies Composition Studies contact zones contexts create transnational spaces curriculum Derrida discourse discussions ecology edited English language experiences explore Facebook faculty first-year writing courses focus García genre Global goals heteroglossia Hispanic ideas identity ideologies instructors interactions Intercultural intercultural competency Journal language difference languages and cultures learning outcomes Lingua Franca linguistic and cultural linguistic homogeneity literacy meaning Mohammad Rafi monolingual multilingual students narrative nation negotiate NNEST Pennycook perspective reading reflect rhetoric and composition Routledge scholars Second Language semester semiotic Shila Skype social media social spaces Spanish speak speakers specific teachers teaching texts threshold concepts topic sentence translanguaging translingual and transnational translingual approach translingual pedagogy translingual practices transnational composition transnational pedagogy transnational spaces transnational writing transnationalism understanding Utah State University UTRGV Writing Program Administrators Writing Studies Youtube